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Located in the Rionegro Valley in Medellin, Colombia our Hydrangeas are carefully grown and selected from the finest seeds in our farms. They are Improved year after year and property of Valley Springs LLC farms, to ensure optimum production and quality. All of our crops have shade protection which helps insulate the flowers through hot summers and cold winter temperatures. This also allows us to maintain a year-round production of florals. With 21 different farm locations through the region and a dedicated customer service group, we guarantee fresh cut flowers whole year round as well as an increase in peak seasons. The post-harvest production facility is one of the most advanced in the region. Thermo foil roofs help protect the product from condensation and a division of the post-production area prevents from plague. Our farms also have on-site coolers which allow for straight refrigeration after hydrating for a healthier long-lasting blossom. Valley Springs is the top hydrangea grower in the region with an annual production of approximately 9,6 million stems.


New mega project  

Our new farm has more than 100 ha to cultivate, plus 50 ha for native forest conservation. So far, we have 39

hectares planted. Currently producing and expecting a 35% increase by the end of 2021. With this mega project we

will expand the range of colors by season and grow our calla crops.





© 2022 The Valley Springs LLC. Flourishing Smiles.

1617 NW 84th Av. Doral Miami, FL. 33126

All Rights Reserved. 

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